const express = require('express');
const OAuthServer = require('oauth2-server');
const oauthManager = require('./oauth-manager.js');
const oauth = oauthManager.server;
const Request = OAuthServer.Request;
const Response = OAuthServer.Response;
const router = express.Router();
* @namespace OAuth2Endpoint
* As a client, register yourself with the server.
* #### Request
* - path: `/api/oauth/client`
* - verb: POST
* ```json
* {
* "redirectURL": String,
* "email": String,
* "name": String
* }
* ```
* #### Response
* Status 200 - Success
* ```json
* {
* "clientId": String
* }
* ```
* Status 400 - Failure
* ```json
* {
* "message": String
* }
* ```
* @name client
* @func
* @memberOf OAuth2Endpoint
*/'/client', (req, res) => {
.then((clientId) => {
res.status(200).json({ clientId }).end();
.catch((err) => {
res.status(400).json({ message: err.message }).end();
* Depending on request parameters:
* 1. Exchange a code for tokens.
* 2. Exchange username and password for tokens.
* 3. Exchange a refresh token for a new access token.
* #### Request
* - path: `/api/oauth/token`
* - verb: POST
* - Content-Type: `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`
* 1:
* ```
* {
* "code": String,
* "grant_type": "authorization_code",
* "client_id": String,
* "redirect_uri": String
* }
* ```
* 2:
* ```json
* {
* "username": String,
* "password": String,
* "grant_type": "password",
* "client_id": String,
* }
* ```
* 3:
* ```json
* {
* "refresh_token": String,
* "grant_type": "refresh_token",
* "client_id": String,
* }
* ```
* #### Response
* Status 200 - Success
* ```json
* {
* "accessToken": String,
* "accessTokenExpiresAt": String,
* "refreshToken": String,
* "refreshTokenExpiresAt": String,
* "client": {
* "id": String
* },
* "user": {
* "email": String
* }
* }
* ```
* Failure
* ```json
* {
* "code": Number,
* "message": String,
* "name": String
* }
* ```
* @name token
* @func
* @memberOf OAuth2Endpoint
*/'/token', (request, response) => {
const req = new Request(request);
const res = new Response(response);
oauth.token(req, res)
.then((token) => {
.catch((err) => {
* As a user, create an authorization code for a specific client.
* #### Request
* - path: `/api/oauth/authorize`
* - verb: POST
* - Content-Type: `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`
* ```json
* {
* "access_token": String,
* "state": String,
* "response_type": String,
* "client_id": String
* }
* ```
* #### Response
* Status 200 - Success
* ```json
* {
* "authorizationCode": String,
* "expiresAt": Date,
* "redirectUri": String,
* "client": {
* "id": String
* },
* "user": {
* "email": String
* }
* }
* ```
* @name authorize
* @func
* @memberOf OAuth2Endpoint
*/'/authorize', (request, response) => {
const req = new Request(request);
const res = new Response(response);
// Doesn't need an authenticate handler if you pass an access token.
oauth.authorize(req, res)
.then((code) => {
.catch((err) => {
module.exports = { router };